Trest Gydromontazh JSC is acquired by TEK Mosenergo Group.
Антиалкогольная и антинаркотическая политика
Trest Gydromontazh JSC (the flagship company)
Address: 11a Zubovskiy bulvar, Moscow 119021
Phone: +7 (495) 788-96-77
E-mail: info@aothm.ru
Institut Teploelektroproyekt JSC
Address: 2a bld.1, Spartakovskaya Ulitsa, Moscow 105066
Phone: +7 (495) 984-62-00
E-mail: tep@tep-m.ru
Ассоциация «СРО «Лига изыскателей»
Основана на членстве лиц, осуществляющих инженерные изыскания
>85 years
>100 years
Comprehensive design solutions for thermal power stations of any capacity, on any fuel, of any configuration
  • Preparing technical and economic feasibility studies
  • Engineering surveys
  • Developing project documents and obtaining approvals from oversight authorities and expert bodies
  • Developing detailed design documents
  • Construction supervision on site
Sourcing of equipment and materials for construction projects of TEK Mosenergo Group
  • Packaged main transformers
  • Electrotechnical equipment of 35, 110, 220, and 330 kV
  • Electrotechnical supplies
  • Balance-of-plant switchgear, packaged transformer substations, packaged outdoor switchgear, integrated switchgear, gas-insulated switchgear of 110, 220, and 330 kV
  • Electrotechnical materials
  • Rolled steel products and steelwork
  • Piping with formed parts and low-pressure supports
  • Cables
  • Tanks
  • Sandwich panels and roofing materials
  • Windows and stained-glass panels
  • Finishing materials
  • Overhead line supports and their footings, ground beams, piles, pipe piles, and much more
Лицензия Министерства Российской Федерации по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий от 16.08.2013 года №4-5/01119
Подтверждает право на осуществление деятельности по монтажу, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту средств обеспечения пожарной безопасности зданий и сооружений.
TEK Mosenergo JSC (the flagship company)
Address: 11a, Zubovskiy bulvar, Moscow 119021
Phone: +7 (495) 811-05-50
E-mail: tek@tek-mosenergo.ru
Company profile
Sourcing of equipment and materials
More details
Company profile
Power grid facilities
More details
Company profile
Our engineering expertise
More details
Company Profile
Engineering and design institute
More details
Company profile
Engineering company
More details
Address: 5A Ogorodnaya Sloboda, Moscow 101000
Phone: +7 (495) 287-78-16
E-mail: info@tekmt.ru
EnergoSK LLC
Address: 91 Krasnokamskaya ulitsa, Yekaterinburg, 620043
Phone: +7 (343) 357-30-55
E-mail: info@enersk.ru
ООО «ЭнергоСК» является членом Ассоциации СРО «Гильдия строителей Урала»,
что дает право на строительство, реконструкцию, капитальный ремонт объектов капитального строительства (в том числе в отношении особо опасных).
Отчет об итогах голосования на внеочередном общем собрании акционеров АО «Трест Гидромонтаж», проведенном 05.04.2024 в форме заочного голосования
Key Facts
Trest Gydromontazh JSC is acquired by TEK Mosenergo Group.
Антиалкогольная и антинаркотическая политика
Trest Gydromontazh JSC (the flagship company)
Address: 11a Zubovskiy bulvar, Moscow 119021
Phone: +7 (495) 788-96-77
E-mail: info@aothm.ru
Institut Teploelektroproyekt JSC
Address: 2a bld.1, Spartakovskaya Ulitsa, Moscow 105066
Phone: +7 (495) 984-62-00
E-mail: tep@tep-m.ru
Ассоциация «СРО «Лига изыскателей»
Основана на членстве лиц, осуществляющих инженерные изыскания
>85 years
Established in 1935
>100 years
Established in 1918
Comprehensive design solutions for thermal power stations of any capacity, on any fuel, of any configuration
  • Preparing technical and economic feasibility studies
  • Engineering surveys
  • Developing project documents and obtaining approvals from oversight authorities and expert bodies
  • Developing detailed design documents
  • Construction supervision on site
Sourcing of equipment and materials for construction projects of TEK Mosenergo Group
  • Packaged main transformers
  • Electrotechnical equipment of 35, 110, 220, and 330 kV
  • Electrotechnical supplies
  • Balance-of-plant switchgear, packaged transformer substations, packaged outdoor switchgear, integrated switchgear, gas-insulated switchgear of 110, 220, and 330 kV
  • Electrotechnical materials
  • Rolled steel products and steelwork
  • Piping with formed parts and low-pressure supports
  • Cables
  • Tanks
  • Sandwich panels and roofing materials
  • Windows and stained-glass panels
  • Finishing materials
  • Overhead line supports and their footings, ground beams, piles, pipe piles, and much more
Лицензия Министерства Российской Федерации по делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий от 16.08.2013 года №4-5/01119
Подтверждает право на осуществление деятельности по монтажу, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту средств обеспечения пожарной безопасности зданий и сооружений.
TEK Mosenergo JSC (the flagship company)
Address: 11a, Zubovskiy bulvar, Moscow 119021
Phone: +7 (495) 811-05-50
E-mail: tek@tek-mosenergo.ru
Company profile
Sourcing of equipment and materials

Thanks to its stable long-term relations with major Russian and foreign suppliers, TMT LLC is able to ensure steady supply of the necessary equipment and materials to TEK Mosenergo Group project sites.

The Company has a branch in Yekaterinburg to enable prompt site visits of pipe, chemicals, and metalware manufacturers located in the Urals.

Company profile
Power grid facilities

EnergoSK LLC specialises in the design, construction, servicing and maintenance of power grid facilities.

Major customers:

  • MRSK Urala PLC
Company profile
Our engineering expertise

Trest Gydromontazh JSC is a leading engineering company, providing comprehensive solutions in power and industrial construction, transport and seaport infrastructure. It comprises a design bureau and two independent construction and installation teams.

Key customers:

  • RusHydro PJSC
  • DSK Avtoban JSC
  • FGUP Rosmorport
  • Seaport Sukhodol LLC
  • Bamstroymekhanizatsiya PJSC
Company Profile
Engineering and design institute

Institut Teploelektroproyekt JSC focuses on developing designs for new thermal power generation plants and for upgrading and refitting of the existing ones.

Key customers:

  • Gazprom PJSC
  • Rushydro PJSC
Company profile
Engineering company

TEK Mosenergo JSC is the biggest engineering company in Russia. It has all the necessary resources and competencies to deliver turn-key construction projects, spanning survey and engineering, design, sourcing of equipment and materials, construction and installation, and testing and commissioning works

Key customers

  • Gazprom PJSC
  • RusHydro PJSC
  • GMK Nornickel PJSC
  • Lavna Commercial Seaport LLC
  • Sukhodol Seaport Terminal LLC
Address: 5A Ogorodnaya Sloboda, Moscow 101000
Phone: +7 (495) 287-78-16
E-mail: info@tekmt.ru
EnergoSK LLC
Address: 91 Krasnokamskaya ulitsa, Yekaterinburg, 620043
Phone: +7 (343) 357-30-55
E-mail: info@enersk.ru
ООО «ЭнергоСК» является членом Ассоциации СРО «Гильдия строителей Урала»,
что дает право на строительство, реконструкцию, капитальный ремонт объектов капитального строительства (в том числе в отношении особо опасных).
Отчет об итогах голосования на внеочередном общем собрании акционеров АО «Трест Гидромонтаж», проведенном 05.04.2024 в форме заочного голосования
In focus
Leadership Team
Leadership Team